Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Foundations of a Leader

Leaders, much like houses must have a foundation to stand on. With no foundation houses will crumble, and as leaders, with no foundational principles (or Core Values) we too will crumble in our leadership. The first foundational tool is (1) Character (The Rock): Character is the most important aspect of leadership. Character carries all other aspects because it can make or break your leadership. If someone has weak or bad character they can easily fall and their leadership ability can lose its influence and reputation. With strong character your longevity, reputation, and influence will carry your leadership to new heights. (2) Confidence (The Shield): Confidence (Not Arrogance) will give you a needed edge when challenging time arise. With confidence comes humility and a humble leader looks after those he is leading. To heighten our leadership we must have a quiet confidence that propels our leadership and gives us "armor" to handle arrows thrown at us at trying times. (3) Hardwork (Walk the Walk): The shingles on a house take a pounding, they protect through their hardwork and serve as the frontline defender of the house. A leader who works hard will show those that are being led that they are adequate for that position and that they are willing to put the same amount of time and effort in as anyone else. Hardwork will heighten your level of respect and influence you might have. Hardwork with priorities aligned will strengthen your leadership and empower others to work with a purpose. (4) Servant-Minded (The Forgotten Principle) Doing what you ask others to do can take your leadership to a new level. Take one moment out of your day as a leader to do something without being asked and without looking for praise from someone else. Above all other leadership principles (aside from character) this is a must! Your cannot lead effectively without reaching out to those you lead. Servanthood is as important as gasoline to a car. Always take time to do things for others.

To lead other you must build a solid foundation first.

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